Protecting Your Pet With Written Prescriptions

In recent months TCVH has made some changes to the way we fill your pet’s prescriptions. These changes were initiated because we observed a greater instance of errors with prescriptions at outside pharmacies.

Pharmacists work hard to make sure that their patients receive the right drug at the correct dose. Unfortunately, pharmacists receive minimal training in veterinary pharmacology. There can be major differences in use, route and dosing of many medications based on species. A physical written prescription allows the pharmacist and client to double check the medication being sent home as the correct drug and dosing for the pet.

In some instances, a generic medication might be available for a brand name product. A pharmacist is legally allowed to substitute a generic medication for a brand name unless a doctor specifies that no substitutions are made. Sometimes these generic medications are not bioavailable (able to be metabolized) in our canine and feline patients. In other instances the generic may contain an ingredient like xylitol that is very safe for humans but is considered a toxin for pets.

Although taking a written prescription into your pharmacy or mailing it to an online pharmacy may seem like an inconvenience, be assured that the TCVH team just wants to make sure that we are providing the highest quality care we can for you and your pet.